Saturday, April 18, 2009

Story Fourteen

We met when a mutual friend introduced us then we sat and talked and drank enough red wine to cause us to spend the night and talk some more until sunlight and sobriety greeted us, along with the homeowners offering to make us coffee and pancakes.

While we walked to our modes of transportation, I didn't turn around and watch you, but a smile came over my face and a slow sigh escaped my lips as my hands fumbled towards my pockets. I was relieved that nothing would result, because I wanted to keep this night perfect in my head and anything else would spoil it.

You had sneaked over and tapped on the closed window, while I sat in the car, flipping through songs on the Ipod, causing me to look in your direction, curious at what was going to be said, before rolling down the window.

"Before you go..." you trailed off and took your cell phone from your pocket.

"You want my number?"

You nodded.

I shot off my number and then we looked at each other.

A pause before a goofy smile came over your face as you asked if I wanted yours.

"Sure," knowing full well I wouldn't call you.

I could tell you wanted to kiss me goodbye but I said thank you and closed my phone.

We said bye to each other then I turned away and started the car.

I was around the block when my cell started vibrating. It was you.

I drove home and parked the car, before getting my cell and deleting your number.

Two days passed and I sat watching tv, when you sent me a text, asking how I was. It was about four in the afternoon.

We ended up volleying messages back and forth for an hour until you suggested I should come over and I texted why.

You offered dinner and a movie. I was already watching a movie, but didn't fight it and said yes, although I knew I would regret everything that happened past that point.

Some time passed and Italian food satisfied, while a documentary played in front of us.

We discussed various points made when you leaned in and kissed me.

Things quickly heated up and we didn't waste any time. I said it felt good and it did, but I think it meant more to you that I said those empty words then anything else.

I have no idea what time we eventually fell asleep, but it was late and the last thing I remember was my eyelids closing as you still kissed me while lying on top.

The awkwardness of waking up next to you ruined it.

I silently got out of bed and didn't bother to leave a note.

I have no idea what your reaction was when you woke up, as I didn't wait and as soon as I was dressed, I left.

You have to understand why I don't answer your calls anymore. It was because of the night we met.

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