Thursday, December 28, 2006

Story Four

There was a note slipped under my door, while I wasn't looking.
I didn't know it was there until having a glass of water, my eyes caught it partly hidden by the bottom edge. I set the glass down, before walking over and picking up the simple white envelope.
Slipping a finger underneathe to separate the flap, a small piece of notebook paper folded in half fell out.
On it, was written, "10PM. APT 1431. The door will be open."
I tingled at who could have left this, and was completely anticipating finding out.

The apartment was two floors down, and with each step closer, my heart beat in unison.
My hands finally touched the door, as I stood outside. I didn't know anyone in the building, beyond the ones who resided on my floor, so this person was a complete stranger.
Putting one ear to the door, there weren't any sounds coming from the other side. A hand reached for the doorknob and I slowly moved to the other side of the door.

None of the lights were on, and the blinds or drapes were drawn, so it was completely black. I tried to see my way around the room, but there wasn't really anything of note.
I shut the door and stood in complete darkness.
A disembodied, gravelly voice came from the left.
"You're here. I didn't expect you to come."
He sounded sincere.
I didn't say anything, but the smell of oil paints and cigarettes approached me. The dark erased his features, but the outline of a sizable frame with short curly hair stood in front of me.
"Why am I here?"
A pause, as we stood there.
"I saw you, as you walked by me, and had to follow you home."
"How long ago was that?"
"A month ago."
"What have you learned in a month?"
Another pause.
"You're still a mystery to me."
A smile came over me, and he must have picked up on the sudden warmth emitting from me, because before I knew it, he pulled me to him and his mouth opened mine.

We didn't move from where we were, although I wouldn't have said no, if it lead me off my feet and onto a bed.
My eyes were still closed and mouth open, when he stopped kissing me.
There was a long pause.
His hands left my hair and he silently walked away.
I stood there for a little bit, unsure and confused, but took it as a sign to turn around and let myself out.

When I stepped inside my apartment, I leaned against the door. As I touched my mouth, the imprint he made upon them was in my thoughts.

A few days later, I came home with my hands full of groceries and packages. I was greeted with silence and another plain envelope.
I set everything down and picked it up. It said the same exact thing.

As I got myself ready to meet him, I wasn't sure what to expect. The shower washed away the day's ordinariness, only to make myself aware to the fact his lips and hands will be on me again.

My feet wanted to be bare, so I could feel the creaky wood underneathe my toes as each step led to his apartment. I wanted to remember everything.

I touched the gently flaking gold colored knob and opened it. Again the dark welcomed me, before stepping inside and closing the door.

The door closed and I could feel him near. He didn't say anything, before reaching out and touching my arm. The sleeve was a barrier between palm and skin. The thin material slightly rustled.
We stood there, before he took his hand away.

A second later, his hand moved back and brushed my hair.
I could feel him so near me, as his hand lay on my shoulder.
We edged close and I can feel his heart beating. He was still.
My hand reached up to his face, only to move to his hair. I was right about the curls, as my fingernails made contact with wavy hair.
He stopped my hand and we stood there.
Silently, he led my hand off his head and walked a few steps, my feet following.
He reached for both my hands before sitting me down.
I sat there and slowly leaned back.
He stood over me and let go of my hands.
One of his hands touched my hair again, before moving down to a shoulder, to an elbow, before it touched the top of my calf-length skirt. His hand made itself comfortable on top of the linen.
"What would you like?' he asked.
I didn't say anything, curious what his reaction would be.
He seemed to pause, before slowly rolling up my skirt. He touched my leg, to discover I was wearing socks that covered up a good portion of my legs.
He gently rolled down one sock, so it was fully exposing a knee. His hand was on the back of it, and I could feel him pressing his fingertips.
I know he wanted to make sure I remember every touch and every little moment later while I was alone.
He pressed his lips against my knee, before he ran his tongue from that point. He ran his tongue up my skirt and I sat there, before I found myself shift my body, so he could lick me over my panties. He ran his tongue along the edge, the lace sliding across.
He stopped, then helped me take them off.

After setting them near us, his face was inches from mine.
I leaned forward.
He gave me a quick kiss, before slowly pressing me back and slightly opening my thighs.

I don't know how much time passed but I must have came ten times, before he stopped.
He kissed me as he stood up.
My hand reached blindly for his pants, but before I could do anything, he stopped me, handed my underwear back, then left the room.
I sat in the dark for a long time, before putting my clothes back to normal and letting myself out.

A few days passed before I was sitting on the couch when my head turned to the door.
Someone was standing outside.
I quietly got up and went over to the door.
There was movement.
I looked out the keyhole and saw the top of his head, as his attention was on something he was holding.
I slowly unlocked and opened the door.
He was kneeling down and about to slip another envelope under my door.
I stood there, when he froze. He couldn't look up at first, but after a few seconds, he slowly lifted his head.
I was expecting him to have some extreme anomaly on his face, but there was nothing wrong with him. His eyes and hair were both a dull brown.
His face was blank, as he put the envelope in my hands.
He didn't seem angry, but left me standing there, looking at my hands.

I went to his apartment and became excited, as I got closer.
My hand reached for the knob and it turned as I opened it.
The light was on, which I wasn't expecting.
He was sitting on the couch, drinking vodka, as I came in and closed the door behind me.
His attention slowly turned to me, and he set his drink down on the coffee table in front of him.
He got up and stood in front of me. He ran one hand down my hair, down my cheek, to my shoulder. He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around.
I didn't know what to say, as he had me pinned against the door, while he pulled up my skirt.
He held up my skirt, when he ripped off my underwear.
I was calm, but surprised.
My underwear dropped from his hand, before he unzipped his pants.
He slightly bent me over, then dryly inserted his penis into my ass.
I closed my eyes and bit my lip, as the pain was unbearable.

The pain went away after a few minutes, and my eyes stopped tearing up, and I found myself gasping.
He was quiet behind me, but didn't stop.

Eventually, he started groaning.
It became faster and he started ramming me into the door, with his hands pressed into mine.

Wordless and almost breathless, he came. He pulled out and some of it ran down the back of my thigh.
He softly whispered, "I'm sorry," then left me standing there, not bothering to do up his zipper, before exiting the room.
I slowly turned and looked around the room, before seeing my underwear on the floor and picking it up, before leaving.

I was walking down the street, when he walked by me.
Naturally, he had to be going somewhere.
He was focused, as he carried groceries inside a Trader Joe's bag.
I trailed him, and realised I was following him home.

He was standing at his door, as I stood on the stairs.
Before he had his door open, he slowly turned to me.
A smile came over his face, as we stood there.
He opened his door, then walked in.
He didn't close the door.

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