Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Untitled Short Play One




[*note- As the play progresses, the woman starts using more French words. If the director chooses, it can be adapted into the language of their choice. The English translation follows what is spoken.]

Lights up.

The stage is empty. There is no background scenery, except a closed curtain, and the lighting quite sparse.

EVA sits on the ground, looking at the floor. She wears shorts and a tank top.

MATTHEW enters from stage left and sits next to EVA, then turns to her. He's dressed similiar.

EVA turns to him and takes his hands into hers. She smiles at him, then leans close and kisses him on the cheek.

MATTHEW smiles, then kisses her forehead.

They look at each other.


I'm happiest when I'm with you.

MATTHEW puts her arms around him, then starts kissing her mouth.

After a short time, they stop.


This is such a beautiful moment.

MATTHEW looks at her.


Do you love me?


Of course.

EVA nods, before standing up. She's about to turn away.

MATTHEW grabs her before she can.

EVA looks at him.

MATTHEW moves onto his knees.

EVA stands in profile, while MATTHEW kneels. He puts his arms around her and his face against one of her legs

MATTHEW looks up at her.


I feel very close to you. I can tell you anything.

EVA runs her hand through his hair.


That's because our relationship is based on connection.



Can I ask you something?


Go ahead.


Will you marry me?

EVA doesn't know how to react, at first.


Yes, of course.


Oh, I forgot.

MATTHEW takes a ring box from a pocket, then opens it. He lets go of her, then presents the ring.



MATTHEW takes her hand, then puts the ring on her finger and kisses her hand.

Lights down.


Lights up.

A full-length mirror, which had been obscured by the curtain, is visible.

EVA and MATTHEW have their backs to the audience. Their clothes have changed.
EVA wears a slip while MATTHEW wears a white tshirt and boxers.
They face the mirror.

MATTHEW kisses her cheek. He's, also, holding her veil.


You're going to look beautiful tomorrow.


Think so?

MATTHEW slides his arm around her waist.


I know so.

EVA puts her head on his shoulder.


Miel. (Honey.)

MATTHEW looks at her.


Did you say something?

EVA lifts her head, then shakes it.


No. Why?

MATTHEW shrugs it off. He lets go and puts the veil on her.

BOTH turn to each other.

EVA holds it in place, while MATTHEW lifts it up. He leans close and kisses her on the lips.

EVA drops her hand, so the veil falls off.

They stop and look at it, but go back to kissing.

Lights down.


Lights up.

The curtain is closed and two chairs sit center stage, facing the audience.

Dressed in simple wedding clothes, EVA and MATTHEW sit in the chairs.

EVA turns to him and puts her hand on his arm.

MATTHEW smiles and Iifts up the veil, then kisses her forehead.


Now, I can call you wife.

EVA puts her head on his shoulder, after wrapping her arm around his.


This is confortable. (... comfortable.)

MATTHEW looks at her, before unraveling her arm.
He gently unpins her veil from her head, then sets it down in front of himself.
He starts taking the pins from her hair, so locks of hair fall down.
He continues, until all her hair is down.

EVA looks at him, while he does this.


I want to hear you call me husband.

EVA smiles.


Mari. (Husband.)

MATTHEW tucks her hair to one side, then buries his face in her neck.


It's good to be finally alone with you, after a whole day with everyone.

EVA runs her hand over his head.


This is a special day for nous. ( ... us.)

MATTHEW looks at her. He cups her chin with his palm and slowly lifts up her head.

They look into each others eyes.



MATTHEW closes his eyes, then leans in to kiss her.

They kiss, then separate and look at each other.


There's wine on your langue. ( ... tongue.)

EVA smiles after this.

MATTHEW scratches his head, then smiles at her.


Have I had too much to drink?

EVA coyly looks at him.

MATTHEW leans in and slowly kisses her mouth again.

Lights down.


Lights up.

The two chairs still sit next to each other.

EVA sits, while MATTHEW stands behind her. They wear the same clothes as SCENE TWO. He has his arms around her. She looks happy, but he looks like he has something on his mind.

EVA turns to him and kisses his cheek.


I don't know what's come over me.


Qu'est-ce the affaire? (What's the matter?)


I didn't think anything could come between us.


Quelque chose is venir between nous? (Something is coming between us?)

MATTHEW lets go of her, then takes a step back, looking at her. He turns away, takes his chair and sets it across the stage, before sitting down.

The smile drops from her face.

MATTHEW turns away and looks down at the ground.

EVA gets up from her seat, then moves over to him. She sits on his lap.

MATTHEW looks at her, then brushes his hand across her cheek.


I'll get over this.

Lights down.


Lights up.

The chairs sit far away and diagonal from each other.

BOTH sit in these chairs.

MATTHEW watches EVA.

EVA looks like a French film star circa 1960's New Wave movement, while MATTHEW hasn't changed.


I don't understand you anymore.


Pourquoi la colere? (Why the anger?)

MATTHEW gets up from his chair, then goes over to her. He grabs her and pulls her up.

EVA doesn't know how to respond.


Who are you?


Ton femme. (Your wife.)


You're different.

EVA looks mildly terrified.


I don't know who you are. Where is the woman I married?

MATTHEW shakes her hard and pushes her away.

They look at each other.

EVA starts crying and goes down on her knees, as if to beg for forgiveness.


Matthew, s'il vous plait. Nous... (Matthew, please. We...)

MATTHEW looks at the chair and picks it up. About to attack her with it, he decides not to and flings it upstage, instead.


Our marriage is dead.

MATTHEW storms off stage right.




EVA continues crying, while shaking her head.

Black Out.



Lights up.

The chairs are gone. Everything looks like it did in the beginning.

EVA stands there, looking depressed. She stares at the ground.

MATTHEW peeks his head in from stage right.

He looks at EVA, then walks in, carrying a French translation book. Before walking to her, he quickly flips through it, looks up a word, then closes it. He walks over to her, then lightly taps her shoulder.

EVA turns to him.


Desole. (Sorry.)

They look at each other.


Dites-moi encore. (Tell me again.)

MATTHEW quickly opens the translation book to a word. He looks it up, then closes it. He puts his hands on each side of her face, then looks deep into her eyes.


Femme, desole. (Wife, sorry.)

A smile slowly wipes the frown from her face.

He kisses her on the lips, then takes his hands away.

EVA looks at the book, then smiles. She closes it, then puts her hand on it.

MATTHEW puts his hand on hers, then tucks a lock of hair behind her ear and kisses her cheek.


I want to understand you.

EVA takes the book, flips through it, then shows him.

MATTHEW reads the word EVA points at.



MATTHEW smiles at her and kisses her.

Black out.

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