Monday, September 25, 2006

Chapter Four, Untitled


Clark left the studio after I did and went straight home. He didn't bother turning on the light. He just lied there on the couch and continued smoking, keeping the ashtray near himself.
After Grant finally fell asleep, I snuck out of bed, wrapped myself in the thin sheet and opened the front door. I looked around to make sure none of the neighbors were up at this hour and wandering the halls, then gently closed my door and stood in front of Clark's. I softly knocked on his door, until he opened it. He had a cigarette dangling from his mouth and he looked a little surprised to see me. I pulled the cigarette from his mouth, put my hand on the side of his face, pulled it closer to myself and kissed his mouth. I broke away and blew out the smoke. I kissed him again, until he had his arms around me and was holding me really tight. I broke away again, as he tightened his grip.
"What changed your mind?"
He looked at me and let go.
I walked over to my door and wrapped my hand around the doorknob.
"Was she with the other guy?"
I nodded.
"Did she see you?"
I shook my head.
He left the doorway, walked over and smoothed back my hair.
"Better go. Who knows what he would do, if he woke up and you weren't beside him?"
I looked at him.
"Sorry that you had to hear that."
"Don't apologize. You'll be doing the same thing to me soon."
I covered my mouth and laughed.
"I'll see you later," he added.
I smiled and nodded.
"Oh, and, you better be dressed for breakfast," he added.
I laughed again, then opened the door.

Grant woke me up before he had to leave for work. He was on top of me and his tongue was in my mouth. Below the sheets, my legs were wide open, as he was angling his body. Grant noticed I was awake, when I opened my eyes and clinched my legs.
"Good morning," he said softly.
He dropped his head on the pillow and gave a muffled groan. One of my nails went from my side to his back. I bit my lip and closed my eyes, as Grant started moving faster. Both of his hands left my body and placed themselves palm down on the pillow above my head. He had a head start, so naturally he finished before I was ever close.

After he was finished, he kissed my mouth and rolled off me before I could say anything. Grant got out of bed and started picking up his clothes. He had his back to me, as he walked into the bathroom. I just lied there, unsatisfied and completely pissed off.

When he came out of the bathroom, shaved and dressed, I was lying stomach down on the bed. He saw me and sat down next to me. I rolled over onto my side and looked at him. He leaned down and kissed cheek again.
"I've got to go now, but I'll call you at work," he said.
He winked at me and got off the bed, then left my bedroom. I heard him close the front door after a few seconds. I sat up and wrapped the thin sheet around myself and went to the bathroom.
After turning on the shower, I was about to drop the blanket, when there was a knocking on the front door. When I opened the front door, Clark was standing there, holding a big brown paper lunch bag, smoking.
Clark looked at me, then pulled the cigarette from his mouth, leaned forward and kissed my mouth.
We stood there for a few seconds, as his arms wrapped around me. I could feel his hands rubbing my butt over the sheet. I stopped him and looked around the hallway.
"Relax. Grant passed by already," he said.
"That's not what I'm worried about."
"No? What then?"
"Our neighbors. They talk, you know?"
He laughed.
"No, they don't."
Before I could say anything, he licked his mouth and kissed my lips again. We kissed for a few seconds, then he broke away from me.
"Hear anyone talking?"
I shook my head.
"See," he said.
I looked at him and smiled.
He dragged me into the living room, closing the door behind us. He put the brown paper bag on the coffee table, then sat on the couch, pulling me down with him. He leaned forward and put out his cigarette. We were kissing for a while, until I remembered the shower was still on. I broke away from him, got off the couch and went back to the bathroom.
I originally was going to turn off the water and go back to Clark, but I left the the bathroom door slightly open and took the sheet off. I dropped it on the floor and stepped into the bathtub, then pulled the curtain back.

I was running my hands through my hair, as the water was hitting me. My eyes opened, when I heard a little movement outside of the curtain and the toilet seat smack against the septic tank.
"Hope you don't mind. I couldn't hold it in."
"Are you sitting or standing?"
"OK, fine."
I relaxed. when he flushed the toilet and turned on the water faucet.
"Did you put the seat down?"
He turned off the faucet.
"Want to check for yourself?"
Before I could say anything, he pulled the curtain halfway back. I had my hands on the tile and had my head face down. I lifted up my head and found myself look at him, then at the toilet seat, which he put back down, then grabbed the curtain and pulled it back to the way it was.
"Next time, warn me when you're going to do that."
I turned to the shower caddy and took the shampoo. I opened it and applied a little to my hair, then lathered up my hair.
"Yum. Strawberries," he added.
"Are you still standing there?"
I laughed, while rinsing out the shampoo.
"Go make yourself useful. Pick out the clothes I'm going to wear or something."
I was finally finished rinsing out my hair, when I reached out and grabbed for the towel. I wiped my face and opened my eyes, then wrapped the towel around myself and got the other towel hanging there and wrapped my hair in it, before walking into my bedroom.
Clark was standing in front of my bed, facing it and looking at his two choices. Two things were laid out. One was a dark red knee-length dress and the matching knit sweater, while the other was my fitted suit with a long sleeve red shirt. Obviously, Clark likes red. He picked up the dress and handed it to me. I never wore the dress to work before, but I decided to try it out. Then, he sheepishly took the panty (red, of course) he had stolen from one of the drawers and stashed in his pocket and handed it over to me.
I took the clothes and went back into the bathroom to put it on.

I came back out wearing everything. Clark was sitting on the bed, smoking a cigarette, when he saw me. He quickly looked at his watch, then got up and went to the living room.
I followed him and was nearby, when he leaned down to the table and picked up the brown paper bag. He sat on the couch and put out his cigarette, then took out the two plastic containers, setting them on the table. He opened one container.
Inside was packed with a hash brown, sausage links and scrambled eggs.
He opened the other one.
It had just about the same thing, except, instead of scrambled eggs, there were pancakes.
"Which one do you want?"
"I thought so."
He pushed the pancakes my way, then took out the napkins and elastic utensils from the bag. He picked up the bag and dumped the extra on the table. I took the little jam packets and tore them open, then smeared them on the pancake.

We were finished eating, when he looked at his watch again. He got up and went into the bathroom.
I followed him there to see him look at the toothbrushes.
He picked between the two, turned on the faucet, wetted the toothbrush. then picked up the toothpaste, dabbed a little on and started brushing his teeth.
I came up to the sink, took the other toothbrush and did the same.
Both of us were brushing our teeth, when he looked at me and pulled the toothbrush out of his mouth. He looked at the toothbrush, then spit out the toothpaste, before turning the faucet back on and rinsing out his mouth.
"I used his toothbrush, didn't I?"
I nodded.
"That's not good, It's not in the plan."
He turned to the towel and wiped his mouth. I finished brushing my teeth and rinsed my mouth. He came up to me and gently wiped my mouth.
"Thank you, daddy," I joked.
"OK, now. I'm not that much older than you."
"But, you are older."
"Better behave yourself. You know what I'm capable of doing."
"What are you going to do? Take me over your lap and spank me?"
A smile slowly spread over his face.
"Don't tempt me."
We were looking at each other, when I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek, then turned away.
"I've got to kick you out now, so I can go to work."
I looked at him.
"Want to meet at the studio?"
"Yes, OK," he said.

After work, I arrived at the studio and he opened the door. He was about to kiss my cheek, when I hurried over to the screen and started changing into the other clothes.

When I came from behind the screen, he was sitting on the couch, having a cigarette, when I walked over and sat down by him. He saw me and put his hand on my knee.
I looked at it and smiled.
"That's the best you can do?"
Clark got off the couch and went over to the ashtray, which was still on the table. He had his back to me, when I got off the couch and went over to the refrigerator. I was thirsty and opened it. Every drink alcoholic and non-alcoholic known to man was in there. Captain Morgan, Tequila, Corona, Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, every kind of bottled water, Jones soda, Arizona, etc. Clark wasn't kidding about it being well-stocked. There was barely any room for food. The only non-drink in there was a canister of instant whipped cream, which took up a small place on the bottom shelf squeezed between beer and wine coolers.
I was in the middle of deciding between a Cherry Coke and something that remotely resembled a fruit smoothie in a pitcher, when Clark surprised me by putting his arms around me. I ignored him, as I took out the cherry coke and unscrewed the top. I drank a tiny bit as he unzipped my dress and touched my back.
I closed the refrigerator door and walked back to the couch, then sat down. I leaned back, when he came over to me and knelt down in front of me. We were looking at each other, when he looked down and pulled up my dress, then put his hand on my thigh. I looked down and noticed he was still wearing his wedding band.
He took his hand off my thigh and ran it across my face. I put my hand over his and ran my finger over his ring, then took my hand off. He must have forgotten that he was still wearing it, when he took his hand off my face and looked at his hand. He took his ring off and set it down on the floor, then brushed my face again. He looked down and lifted up the dress a little higher and bent down. Clark was watching me, when he put his hand on the back of my knee and kissed my knee. I casually lifted up one side of my dress a little higher, which egged him on. He kissed the area above my knee, still looking. I leaned forward and kissed his forehead. He lifted up his head, licked his mouth and started kissing my lips.

We ended up kissing for quite some time. He was on top of me when the phone started ringing. He stopped kissing my mouth and looked at the phone. After catching his breath, he let go and picked up the phone.
"Hey. Is 0livia there?"
"Yeah, hold on. Let me get her."
He looked at me and got up, then handed me the phone.
"Hello?", I said, after putting it to my ear.
"I miss you. Come home."
I looked at Clark, who was looking at me.
"Grant, I'll be home soon. I was right about to change."
"All right. Don't take too long. Bye," he said.
I was still looking at Clark.
Bye, Grant."
Clark was about to reach for the phone, but I immediately slammed the phone down, then sat up. Clark watched me, as I got off the couch and went behind the screen, then started unzipping my dress. I had my dress completely unzipped, when I called out to him.
"Clark, I told him that we'll finish the painting at the end of the week. Couldn't you let him savor this final week with me, before we drop the bomb?"
Clark peeked his head around the screen and smiled at me.
I smiled at him.
"Thank you."
He moved closer to me and kissed my cheek.
"By the way, it's almost finished. Sometimes, it comes home with me and I work on it over there."
He kissed me again, then left me alone to change.

I arrived home and Grant was on his cellular phone. He was sitting on the couch, nodding his head and laughing.
"Yeah, hold on. She's here," he said.
I was standing next to Grant, when he leaned up and kissed my cheek.
"Do you want to talk to her?"
He held the phone up to my ear.
"Hi. The ring's back on."
"That's nice," I said.
"He doesn't even know what's going to hit him."
"I can't talk right now. Bye," I said, before pushing the phone back towards Grant.
He put it back to his ear.
"Yeah, I'm back."
"No, I don't know."
I sat down.
Grant, after some time, turned off the phone. He set it on the table, then wrapped an arm around my waist and leaned againt me.
"What did he want?", I said.
"Oh, I called him up. because I was worried about you."
"He invited us out for drinks tonight. Want to go?", he added.
I nodded.
"Call him up and tell him we'll meet him there," I said.

Grant and I arrived at the bar. We were standing at the bar. We were standing in the doorway, when I immediately spotted him at a small table sketching on a napkin. I grabbed onto Grant's jacket and dragged him over to Clark.
When we were standing in front of him, he looked up and smiled at us. Grant took a chair from a nearby table and sat on it, while I took the unvacated one. All three of us were sitting down and exchanging looks, until Clark lifted up his hand and caught the attention of the bartender.
The bartender turned to the guy standing next to him and whispered something to him. The other guy nodded, then moved from behind the bar and walked over to us.
"Yes, what would you and the others like?", the guy said.
We looked at each other again.
"A single shot of rum and Coke," I said.
"A Guinness," Clark said.
"A Coke," Grant said.
"Yes. Coming up," the guy said, looked at Grant, as the guy walked off and went back behind the counter.
Grant didn't notice and was looking at the napkin ClarK was drawing on. He picked it up and looked it over then set it back down.
Clark put his hands on the table and turned the drawing his direction. I looked at it, after catching sight of his wedding band. He was sketching a woman and everything was there, excluding the face.
Looking at Clark, he was explaining to Grant what the so-called project he was thinking up, of what it was going to be.
I got up and slid my chair in.
Both of them looked at me, which elicited a response from me.
"I need to go to the bathroom."
"Oh," Grant said, before turning back to the drawing.
I walked away from them and headed to the bathroom.

After opening the door, I went over and turned on the faucet, then held my hands underneathe catching some water. I leaned down and started splashing my face.

I was in the middle of doing that, when I heard the door open. The person approached me and ran their hand down my nape, then started kissing my neck.
"Grant, not here."
I opened my eyes.
Clark was standing there.
"Why not?"
"I've got a reason for you. Grant's sitting by himself. Don't you think he might get suspicious something is going on?"
"You're right."
He took a piece of brown paper towel and handed it to me. He left me there, as I wiped my face.

I came back and the other two were enjoying their drinks. Mine was sitting untouched on a white napkin, until I sat down and silently took a sip.
Grant his glass down and looked at me.
"Hun, Clark just told me that he thinks you're very beautiful."
I set the shot glass down and started coughing, letting the liquor ooze down my cheek, but quickly regained my dignity, wiped my face and swallowed the remainder, before looking at them.
"Um, thank you, Clark."
Clark stopped drinking and set his glass down, not taking his eyes off his beer.
"Don't mention it."
I nodded, then picked up my shot glass and took another sip.
"Clark wants my permission to paint another portrait of you. I was initially wary about it, but, just because you're going to be naked, it doesn't mean anything will happen."
I started coughing again and accidentally dropped the shot glass on the table. It landed on its side with all the liquor spilling out. I looked at Grant.
"Did you say what I thought you said?"
Grant nodded.
I looked down at my empty shot glass and waved my hand in the air to get the attention of the bartender. The other guy saw me and walked back over. I picked up my shot glass and held it up to him.
"I accidentally dropped my glass. Can you make it a triple shot?"
The guy nodded, took the shot glass and walked off. I took the napkins out of the dispenser and let them soak up the alcohol, then wadded them up, wiped off the extra moisture and at the ball aside.
Grant was still looking at me, then I turned and looked at Clark.
He was drinking his beer.
Clark turned to me and at his glass down.
"We're all adults here. You don't need anyone's permission to do things."
Long pause.
The guy came back with the shot glass and handed it to me.
I took it and drank a bit of it, before setting it down.
"By the my, Clark, how is Miranda?", I said.
"Great. Just great."
"Why didn't you bring her?", Grant said.
I looked at Clark.
He was staring at me.
Grant was looking at the table, when I looked at him.
"She couldn't make it."
"Why not?", I said.
"Miranda is out of town on a business trip."
"Oh, you never told me what she does," I said.
"She is a manager for a boutique."
"What kind of boutique?". I said.
Grant looked up.
"Lingerie? The tasteful kind, or the trashy sort?", he said.
"Oh, never mind, then," Grant said, sounding very disappointed.
"Any other questions about her?"
"One more. Am I ever going to meet her?"
I looked at Grant then back at Clark.
Clark was looking at his beer.
"Actually, Grant, I've met her. She seems like a nice enough person," I said.
"She'll be back in town next week. You can meet her, then," Clark said.

The next day, Clark and I were in the studio, kissing on the on couch. He had his hand on my lap, when I looked down and put my hand over his. He was still wearing his wedding band. We were still wearing our work clothes. I took a hold of his finger and slid off his ring, then set it on the couch armrest. He smiled at me.
"Old habit. Oh, I finished the portrait last night."
Clark got off the couch and went to the covered easel up against the wall. He took off the cover, then brought the easel over and set it up in front of me. I looked at it and smiled.
"I like it."
He came up to the couch and sat down next to me, then leaned on my shoulder.
"You can thank me now."
I ran my hand through his hair.
"Thank you, Clark."
He took his head off my shoulder, then looked at me.
"You can do better than that."
I leaned closer to him, pretending I was going to kiss him. He licked his mouth and was ready to kiss me. I pulled away and looked at him.
"That's it, you tease," he said.
Clark got off the couch again and pulled me up with him. He led me over to the bathroom and opened the door. A full tray of candles was on the toilet seat. plus some other candles were lit and placed around the room. He led me in, then closed the door behind me. I stood there, as he leaned over and checked if the water still warm, then turned off the running water.
I looked at him weird.
"You had enough time to do all this"', I said.
He shook his head.
"No. I called my friend up and had him arrange it."
We were facing each other, when he casually started taking off his clothes, while I stood there. He started with his tie, which he undid and dropped on the floor. He unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall onto the floor. He undid his belt and slacks, then dropped those on top of the pile. He was left in his boxers.
I kissed one of his shoulders, while running my hand down his chest, until it was over his belly button. Grant didn't have any hair on his chest like Clark did. He put his hand over mine, then took my hand off. He looked down and started unbuttoning my shirt, then slid it off me. He ran his hand down and unzipped my slacks. I was holding onto one of his shoulders, when I slid them down and took them off. I let go, then unhooked my bra and dropped it on the heap.
He quickly took off his boxers, then stepped into the tub and sat down, looking at me. I stepped into the bathtub, facing him. He put one hand on my thigh, as I got in and kneeled in front of him. I ran my hand through his brunette hair, before he licked his mouth, grabbed me and started passionately kissing me again.

We were sitting in the bathtub, with my back to him. I was leaning on him, while he had his arms around me. He brushed my hair back and kissed my neck. I found myself looking around the dimly lit bathroom for a clock. "I wonder what the time is."
Clark detached his lips from my neck.
"The phone hasn't started ringing, yet."
He started kissing my neck again.
"Let me go check the time, before it does."
He stopped again.
"Check later."
I tried getting up, but his arms tightened around me. He didn't want to let go of me, but finally did, after I pinched one arm. I got out 0f the bathtub, picked up his white shirt and put it on, then opened the door and walked into the studio. I looked around and noticed the time. Another fifteen minutes and the phone will start ringing.
I went back over to the bathroom. Clark was leaning over the bathtub edge, when he picked up his slacks and pulled out a cigarette from the box. He put it in his mouth, then picked up a nearby candle and lit it up. He smoked his cigarette. when I stood in the doorway, looking at him.
"I've got to be heading back."
He looked at me, as he set the candle back, then pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and blew out the smoke.
"Now? We've only had three rounds."
I didn't say anything, but took off his shirt, dropped it on the floor, picked up my clothes, then left him in the bathtub, when I went over to the mirror. I put my clothes back to the way they were and took my brush out of my purse, which was hanging on the hook, and brushed out the knots formed in my hair.
I took my purse and threw it onto my shoulder, then went over to the couch, then picked up his ring and walked over to the bathroom. I was standing in the doorway, when he put his still burning cigarette on the ashtray, while he sat there and blew out the smoke. I walked up to him and kneeled down near the tub. I leaned over and kissed his mouth. He took his free hand out of the water and rubbed one of my breasts over my shirt. I stopped his hand, then sat it on the bathtub edge, palm up. I rested my hand on top of his, leaving his wedding band on it, then stopped kissing him.
"Bye." I said.
"I'll see you later," he said, after setting the ring down on the bathtub edge and running his hand over my hair.
He wanted to kiss me again, but I got up and left him there.

I got home and Grant was on his cellular again. As soon as he saw me, he was excited.
"I got to go now. She's home."
I closed the front door. Grant moved near me, when I walked in and sat on the couch. He set the phone on the table and put his arms around me. "You know, I've been wondering something."
"Clark never described Miranda. Is she pretty?"
I nodded.
"What does she look like?"
"Well, she has long blonde hair, green eyes, tall, things like that." "What's she like, personality-wise?"
"She's really, um, nice."
"Nice. Polite and quiet nice, or sweet nice?"
"The first one."
"Oh," he said, sounding disappointed.
"Why are you so excited to meet her?"
He playful my pinched my side.
I turned to him and quickly bit his ear, the got off the couch and went over to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and took out the Coke bottle. I went over to the cabinet and took out a glass, then poured myself a little. I drank some of it, then set everything on the counter.
I was nervous and thirsty. Somehow, the first thing was affecting the second. I looked at Grant but he wasn't paying attention and had turned on the television. It was probably a good thing he was always distracted, since he didn't need to know what was going on behind his back. I felt rather sorry for him, because I didn't want to hurt him.

Grant and I were lying in bed. He had his arms around me and was leaning his head on my shoulder.
"I admit I'm a little nervous about Clark painting a portrait of you without any clothes on."
"I mean, I've seen the way Calrk looks at you. It's obvious he's a little taken with you. At the bar, while you were gone, Clark kept asking me about the most intimate details that I would admit to," he added.
"For example."
"For example, what your skin felt like."
"What did you tell him?"
"When I'm touching you, I feel like I'm home."
Grant touched my face and gently kissed it.
"You're home to me," he whispered.
He smiled and kissed me again.
Long pause.
"Did he ask anything else?"
"He asked if we were madly in love."
"What a stupid question to ask. Of course, we are."
"I love you."
I looked at him and smiled.

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