Saturday, February 23, 2008

Story Nine

I originally wanted to write something for someone special at the time, and was going to continue, before it was abandoned. But, after recently re-discovering it on the computer, I wanted to see what would come out. And, this is the end result.


Part One

Matthew and Vanessa sat, watching the short clip playing on the computer screen.
He turned to her and she sat there, blushing and covering her eyes.
She joked, “Is it over yet?”, then looked at him.
He shook his head then blurted out, “I want that.”
She didn’t let on what she was thinking.

A few days later, Vanessa sat on the couch, reading a book of E.E.Cummings’s poetry.
Matthew came in and kneeled in front of her.
She didn’t look at him when he started undoing her pants.
A smile came over her face before she finally turned to him.
He pulled down her pants, then she helped him take off her underwear.
She was about to set the book down but he motioned for her to keep reading.
A momentary look of question flitted across her face, with an arched eyebrow making an appearance, before she gently nodded then went back to reading.

It was hard to focus, and she had to take her hand from off his head to turn each page.

He kept going until the book dropped from her hand and after closing her eyes for a few seconds, she looked at him.
He had a sweet look on his face and asked, “Did you like that?
She nodded.
“Do you want me to please you?”
She didn’t say anything but ran her hand through his hair and then grabbed his head and bent down to kiss him.

That night, Matthew started kissing every exposed part of her skin, while he watched her gently exhaling with her eyes closed.
One hand went under the covers and slowly slid his hand down the front of her nightgown, and then slowly pulled it up, until his hand was on top of her underwear. His hand went inside the silk and made contact with bare skin.
While he gently touched her, he continued kissing her.

She slowly woke up and returned his kiss.
At first she was mildly annoyed, but gave in to the way her body felt.
He stopped kissing her when he felt her eyelashes brush against his eyelids, then asked, “Are you mad? Do you want to punish me?”
She grabbed his head before kissing him passionately. Her free hand moved down to his and blocked it from leaving.

After she came several times, she moved his hand away and quickly regained her breath before kissing him and pushing him onto his back and getting on his lap. She grabbed his hands and held them above his head.
She expected him to resist, as she had his wrists pinned against the headboard, but only eagerness came over his face.

Matthew woke up the next day, and Vanessa sat on the couch waiting for him. She wore her silk lavender slip and one of the straps fell off her shoulder.
He sat down near her and was about to say something but she put a finger to his mouth, then got onto his lap facing him.
She pretended to kiss him and he leaned in to return it, and did that seesaw for a few seconds. Before he could kiss her, she stopped him, got off his lap and then took him by the hand back to bed.
On the bed, she lied him down then sat on his lap.
He was starting to become aroused and she didn’t help as she started to rub against him.
After a few minutes, he started whining about being turned on.
She stopped and she could feel his body still completely responsive.
She paused for a long time and they looked at each other before she bent down and kissed him.

Matthew was at work when he opened his suitcase and on top of it was a folded sheet of white paper. He opened it and started reading.

Scene 1

This is how it will start. And, you’ve had all the time you needed to prepare for this.

After getting completely naked, you can sit down and wait for me until I enter the room. You will stand up when I will walk in wearing heels and a knee length dress. My hair is down and there will be a silk scarf around my neck, which I undo and have in my hands. When you see me, you will silently wait for me to say something, but I won’t. We won’t say a word to each other as I come over and blindfold you, then gently guide you to the bed where I sit you down.

I will leave the room and get a couple objects, and come back into the room, where you still sit quietly, not knowing what I will do. From your posture, you seem relaxed, but a bit eager.
I sit next to you and start touching you. You’re not allowed to reciprocate any of my touches as I explore your body with my hands and mouth. While I run my tongue down, around your belly, I grab an ice cube out of the bowl and gently run it over your chest.
Your hand is about to wipe away a drop that is making its way to your shoulder and I slap your hand away, as it drips off.
I make my way down until your member is in-between my lips. I take as much of you into my mouth, before looking at you. You’re breathing heavily and I can feel your body responding to me, as I guide the ice cube down. I withdraw you from my lips and slide the melting cube where my lips were.
Until the ice cube is completely melted and only water remains, I circle it around you, and investigate your hair with it.

I stand up and slowly remove my clothes, and take one of your hands and tell you to touch me. I guide your hands over my shoulders, over my breasts, over my belly, until it is touching me between my thighs. I lean close and you can feel my breath tickling your neck, before my mouth connects with yours.
I guide your hand away from between my legs and I hold your hands together as I bind them with cuffs, so they are over your head and leaning off the bed.
I move around so my thighs now are on both sides of your head, and your mouth can lightly graze me. My knees are on top of your shoulders. I lean into you, gripping your head and bring your mouth into me.
I keep going until I find my whole body shaking.

After I finish, I slowly get off you and then grab a condom and put it on you, before looking at you. Your body is aware of me, and I pause. I look at you and you seem eager for me to get on top of you, and ride you until you can’t stand it any longer.
I do get on top of you and undo the handcuffs, dropping them on the floor.
Both of us are saying things and gasping, as we change positions, from you on your back to me on mine.
You’re leaning down to me, and I can tell you want a kiss. I let you kiss me before I groan for you to fuck me harder. You don’t do it and want to kiss me again, which makes you close enough that I slap you across the face. You say nothing back to me, then do what I tell you.

We both end up orgasming almost the same time.

You hold me for awhile, before I get up and get the contraption, which you try to resist my putting on you at first, but allow me, after I push you onto your back and sit on your face while I put it on you then admire it.
I then get up and lie there next to you, and we start kissing, then I whisper in your ear, “You have no idea what I will do next.”
And, you wait.

Matthew sat there and looked at the clock. He had only been at work ten minutes, but was ready to go home.

When he got home, Vanessa walked into the room wearing a dress but no scarf. She took the briefcase out of his hand and walked out of the room with it. While she put it away, he silently undressed.
She walked back into the room, with a scarf around her neck, gingerly carrying an object that was shiny and clear acrylic, before she set it down on the coffee table in front of him.
“If you’re a bad boy tonight, I will be putting this on you.”
“And, if I’m a good boy.”
“I will have both my hands closed and one hand will have the key, and if you don’t pick the hand with the key, you’ll be free, until you get home tomorrow to choose again.”
She stood in front of him and undid the scarf from around her neck, before blindfolding him.

They were lying in bed and he was leaning on her, looking at her.
She looked at him and then smiled and told him to close his eyes, before turning to the bedside drawer and reaching inside before turning to him and holding both her fists up.
He opened his eyes and looked at her then both of her hands, before picking her left hand.
She slowly opened her palm.
He picked the wrong hand.
She got out of bed and went to get the device, then came back and quickly fitted it on him.
He had his hand over hers when she locked it.
She kissed him on the cheek before she turned out the light.
Neither one of them could sleep that night and she rubbed her hand against it several times, while the dark still surrounded them.

Part Two

The light was streaming through the window and both of them were lying there. She was staring at the wall across from them, and he was staring at the ceiling.
“Did you get any sleep?”
He shook his head and said, “Too excited. Did you get any sleep?”
“Well, I have to get ready for work.” He was about to get out of bed before he looked at her and said, “Wait.”
“There’s just one more thing.”
She turned to him and before she could say anything, he raised the sheets and disappeared under them.

Before he left the door, she whispered into his ear,”When you get home, you have no idea what I will do to you.”

While Matthew was at work, Vanessa was sitting on the couch, brainstorming ideas for short stories.
She sat on the couch and couldn’t concentrate. After five attempts at filling five pages, she had one full page and two pages of crossed out words and passages.
She put the paper down and then sat back, then looked over towards the desk. The digital camera was sitting there when she got up and went over to where it waited.

She started undressing and then aimed the camera at herself.

After printing a few, she hid them around their place, where she knew he would find them.

Matthew came home and saw Vanessa was standing by the counter with a folded up sheet of paper. After he walked in the door, he set his briefcase on the couch.
“Do you have to go to the bathroom?”, she asked
“Not really.”
He looked at her, then nodded, before walking over and quickly scanning the bathroom.
He didn’t see anything on first glance, but was looking around when he saw something slipped under his razor.
His eyes lit up, when he moved over and looked at what it was.
He gingerly set it back down, then walked back over to where she was still standing.
“Are there more pictures?”
She smiled and nodded.
“You’re a bad, bad girl. And, I fucking love you for that,” he said, before silently undressing.

He took off the last article of clothing and stood there, before she approached him.

She put her hands through his hair, then grabbed onto his hair and then pulled him down, so he was on his knees.
She let go and went to the desk and got the duct tape out of the drawer, then took the scissors and walked back over, before cutting off a good chunk, taking his hands behind his back and binding them together. She dropped everything on the floor, before sitting down.
He couldn’t see what she was doing, as she was behind him.
Vanessa put one of her ankles on his shoulder and then kicked him forward so he was leaning over. Then put both her feet up on him, using him as her stool.

She sat there for five minutes, before she took her feet off him and then moved in front of him. She stood him up, by grabbing him by the hair, until they were in the doorway to the bedroom. She leaned against the door frame before pushing him down, back onto his knees, then put one of her legs on his shoulder and forced his face between her legs.

After a couple times, she took her leg off his shoulder than dragged him on his knees, before standing him up and pushing him onto the bed.

An hour later, he was begging for her to undo the belt so he could orgasm.
She grabbed him by the hair and before he could say another word, she occupied his lips.

When Vanessa was finally satisfied, she rolled off him and then lied there, out of breath.
“I love you,” she said, before kissing his cheek, then looking at the clock on the wall and added. “Okay, hon. You need to get up early,” she said, before undoing his hands and kissing him again.
He gave a little whimper, but said nothing, then rolled over and quickly fell asleep with a smile over his face.

Part Three

Scene 2

Standing against the wall, you can’t see me, but you know I’m in the other room. Someone is with me and you can hear everything, from the moment he arrived to the moment you can hear the familiar gasp from my mouth. You can imagine everything that happens in-between, as our voices vocalize everything that is going on.
There is a pause before I tell him he has to go, which he does.

I walk into the room and drag you along with me, to take a shower.
After I turn on the water and let it warm up, I pull you in with me and start kissing you.

While we’re in there, I take the key from around my neck and undo the belt, setting it down on the bathtub edge, after I get down on my knees. I watch your reaction while I gently wash you down there, before standing up and leaning against the shower wall.
You stand there for a few seconds, before you start jerking off.
We’re watching each other, when I join in and start touching myself.

Both of us bring ourselves to that point, but, before you could, I quickly stop you and put the cage back on, even though you beg me not to.
After I do, I stand there and grab your hand to finish me off, which you do.

Afterwards, we shower than dry ourselves off and go to bed.

Matthew was sitting outside, eating lunch, reading what Vanessa slipped into his briefcase, when he sat back. He didn’t enjoy the idea of having to share his girlfriend, but he knew this would make her happy. He looked around and didn’t expect anybody to fit the type of guy that he could imagine giving her pleasure this one time, but then saw a guy sitting by himself, having a drink. He was medium build, a dirty blonde and dark eyed.
He must have been staring at him pretty hard because the guy must have seen him reflected back in the glass, before turning and giving the what’s up head nod.
Matthew didn’t react, as the guy quickly finished his drink before getting the bartender’s attention and ordering another drink before motioning something.
The guy stood up and then moved over to Matthew.
“Okay, dude. I’m not gay, but, I’m flattered that you won’t stop staring at me. I had to come over and ask what’s up.”
Matthew was a little nervous, but motioned for the guy to sit down, which the guy did.
“Can I ask you a favor?”
There was a pause.
“Well, I have this friend that fantasizes about having his girlfriend pleased by another guy.”
“And, you want me to be this guy that pleases your--I mean, your friend--’s girlfriend.”
Matthew nodded.
There was a long pause which involved Matthew looking at him and the guy tapping his mouth, before extending his hand and saying his name was Charlie.

It was Saturday night when Matthew looked at the clock above the television and got up from the couch and left the room.
Vanessa was there when the doorbell rang.
Charlie was standing at the door.
“Am I at the right place?”
She looked at him, nodding, and quickly looked in the direction where Matthew went, before letting Charlie inside and closing the door.
“Would you like something to drink?”
“A glass of water would be good.”
She walked over and got a glass before filling it up with a few cubes of ice and water, then moved back over and handed it to him.
She sat down and they looked at each other.
“Are you nervous?”
He continued drinking and nodded.
Vanessa stroked his head while he drank.

Before he was halfway through the glass, she unzipped his jeans and stuck her hand inside the fly.

After he finished his drink, he set the glass down and wiped his mouth, before he leaned in and kissed her.

A few hours passed and he was again standing at the door.
She said, “I’ll call you. That was fun.”
He said, “All right. Then, I’l expect to hear from you, then.”
He turned away and walked off, before she closed the door.

Vanessa walked away from the door, then into the bedroom, where Matthew was standing against the wall.
She extended her hand to him before he went with her to the bathroom

While the water was warming up, she had her back to him and he saw a little of the other man’s semen on the back of her thigh.
“Do you think you’ll see him again?”
There was a short pause.
“I don’t know. He was all right.”
Vanessa turned to him and held her hand under the water, then added,”It’s warm now.”

Vanessa and Matthew were lying in bed, early in the morning, when she started kissing him.
She got on top and lightly straddled him, making them both aware of the belt, before she took both his hands off her waist and held them against the headboard.
“I’ve got an idea.”
“What is it?”
“Go get two condoms.”
She got off him and watched as he quickly got out of bed and got the two condoms out of the closet.
He was standing by the bed, when she took the key from around her neck and unlocked him, setting the belt by the bed, and bringing numbing lotion out of the drawer, applying it, then taking both condoms out of his hands and putting them on him, one after the other, before she pulled him down onto the bed, on top of her.

While they were in the bed, she told him she would be taking on an occasional lover, and that the only time she would have him would be in Matthew’s presence.
He responded by kissed her more roughly and became more passionate.

When she could feel the lotion wore off and he was starting to orgasm, which was quicker than she thought, because she hadn't reached hers just yet, she gave him a quick knee in the groin, which caused tears to well up in his eyes.
After he was done, he tenderly kissed her lips and then allowed her to strip off the condoms and then put the belt back on him.

Part Four

A month later, Vanessa sat on the couch, while Matthew sat on the floor, by her feet. For her own amusement, he was wearing a pair of lacey pink undies she got for him, while out shopping, although his uniform is usually that of complete nudity. Around his neck, she crocheted him a white choker from which hung an acrylic circle, which he wears all the time, and people at his work don’t seem to notice it. She has a leash attached to it, but the leash only comes on and off when they are alone. They’re both watching tv, when she starts tickling him with one of her feet, teasing him that the night before was the best she ever had in a long time.

The night before, Nate, someone she met at a bookstore, came over. He knew the drill, after coming over a few times. Unlike the first few times, where he wasn’t sure how to react to Matthew standing there, as soon as he walked in the door, he kissed Vanessa on the cheek, then dragged her to the bedroom where she undid his pants and dropped down on her knees.
Matthew watched, while standing against the wall, looking turned on but uncomfortable that he wasn’t part of the action.

That is, until Vanessa stopped Nate, before pulling Matthew into bed with them. She didn’t release him, but made him lie down under her. He protested and pleaded at first, before she told him he had no choice. She held his hands down with her own, throatily gloating she had him trapped, while Nate was behind her.
Nate looked at Matthew, and saw Matthew never took his eyes off Vanessa. He thought Matthew would shut his eyes and pretend this wasn’t happening, but instead stroked her cheek and continued looking at her as he did, begging her to undo the lock so he can pleasure her as much as the other man was doing, only to be told to shut up and smacked across the face. In turn, he didn’t expect his reaction would be of more excitement and to bring her to orgasm as many times as he could that night.

Vanessa pulled Matthew’s leash up and he turned to her, getting on his knees in front of her.
“It’s time for bed.”
She undid the leash, then got up and went to go brush her teeth.
He stood up and then went to their bed, where he stretched and then got under the sheets.

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