Tuesday, October 02, 2007



Why am I always accused of being younger than I am?
It's completely frustrating.
Being asked about high school life.
Being asked for i.d. when purchasing cigarettes.
Being asked stupid questions about things I don't care for.

People look at me and subtract years.
The only good thing about this is everyone
automatically assumes
I'm innocent in words and deeds.
I'm an angelic little cherub.
It's not entirely true,
but not entirely false.

I know I have no wrinkles or aging to my face,
because I'm too young to own any.
Maybe if I smoke a lot
more than I have been
and get a darker tan,
then I can age myself!
I'm sure there's some way I could
avoid all this unusual abuse.


I got a bit carried away yesterday.
It involved you and I, plus props.

We had almost circled that lake,
when you had to go to the bathroom.
At this place nearby,
we stopped and somehow went from
talking to kissing.

I stopped you and pulled a chair around
and sat down.
Mid-kiss, I took out my retainers and
put them next to my glasses.
I stopped you again
so we could switch over.

Your pants were already undone,
so it was obvious I was planning to do it.
And, that's why I feel I
got carried away,
because I did.


I'd like to tell you something.
You make me feel warm and fuzzy all over
and I quite like it this way.

All your kisses, hugs, and words
leave me happy and nothing can replace
what you do to me.

I'm ashamed to have to admit I have
one problem with you.
It's quite bad, actually.

My problem with you is that
you haven't found the opportunity
to let ourselves become lose in desire.

I promise I won't disappoint.
I promise you anything.
Please, please, please.
Just help me fix my problem with you.


I've dropped my eyes down,
because I don't want to look.
It's there in front, but I refuse to see.
It will only make things worse.

I'm going to let it display itself all it wants,
but I won't acknowledge it.
It's in my way, and that's not good.

Why can't things that tend to show up
make me feel better?
I was happy, but something's blocking the way.



You're such a good actor.
The performance was real.
But, you have forgotten certain rules.

Rule number one:
Always remember never to confuse acting and real life.
You should have stopped sooner when
you realised you couldn't understand
which was which.

Rule number two:
Regardless of what you say or do or fake, you are responsible for NOT blaming everything on them.
If one thing goes wrong, it could be worked into the plot.

Rule number three:
There is no such thing as spontaneous.
Love scenes, especially.
No amount of moments where they're scripted on paper,
they're usually scripted in your mind.
Nothing is ever created without thinking thoroughly about it.

Now that you've been told the rules,
You should begin to acknowledge them.


My acting skills are becoming better.
I've done a better job.
My performance was superb.

I've convinced everyone that I
felt beautiful, loved, wanted, and etc.
I did my role well.

I kept my hidden self hidden
and my public self public.
I wasn't truly happy.
I pretended to be, though/

I was driven and determined to keep
everything as they were,
but none of the other characters permitted it to be so.

Well, I could go on about how much more
talent I have, but it's boring to keep repeating.


On this piece of paper, I will gain revenge.
You're not safe from my pencil.
Matter of fact, it's laughing as I speak.

Sweet, sweet the venom from my hand flows.
You are ugly!
You are unforgiving!
You are unable to last!
Quick to probe, but not quick to realise
how worthless everything you
do, say, wear...is UTTER CRAP.

Everything you ever did in my eyes and heart
and soul was real and based in love.
I, alongside, have been completely blinded.
But, my pencil knows otherwise.


My body aches with tension.
Had no more than three hours of sleep.

Couldn't sleep.
Can't sleep.
My body refuses to let me.
Feel strange.
Feel weird.

Need someone here to soothe me.
Massage my back or
make love to me or

My body feels like there are knots
and they need to be untied.
Could scream.
Maybe that will help.
No, I doubt anything will.


I'm quite disappointed.
You could have done better.
She's beautiful, but
a bitch,
very manipulative,
and more.
I'm very sorry.

All I can do it laugh.
You could have done better.
Beautiful in some ways,
but otherwise worse.
I'm very sorry.


I know how it feels to love blindly.
Thoughts muddled.
Feelings hidden.
Unable to be true.
All things nobody realises.

True love is being free.
False love is lust+like+feelings.
One of these is wrong
and it makes a fool of oneself
to the end.

Only at the end will people know.
Not until then.
Poor are the people
who let themselves become so
carried away,
only to be disappointed and unhappy.


Your kisses seem to delve deeper than my mouth.
I feel them within every inch of my body.
My tongue tastes,
but everything else tingles.

You hands journey over
and reinforce what your kisses do.
I am heated with all you ever bring.

My flesh aches at the thought of being
kissed by you.
Everytime I do think about it,
I start wanting another.

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