Saturday, October 20, 2007

Story Seven, "The Weekend"

She came to stay with us for the week-end. It was my idea. She said she was looking for a place to stay, while she came for a visit. My wife, her sister, didn’t mind and allowed it, wanting to spend time with her, even though our company would be coming and going. I already agreed to the arrangement the moment I was asked.


After picking her up, we took her back to our place. My wife took her upstairs and showed Grace to the extra room, while I went into the kitchen and had a cup of coffee. She came in on the red eye expecting to walk around while people were freshly woken up and walking around.
We all went to sleep, after my wife wished her a pleasant stay.

A while later, I woke up and it was quiet. My wife lied next to me, still asleep. I slowly got out of bed and found Grace sitting on the couch, wide awake and writing a list.
I didn’t notice she was wearing ear buds when I sat down near her.
She didn’t look at me, at first, but set her pen down then slowly turned my way. Her eyes went behind me, towards the stairs, then smiled, before turning away and going back to her list.
I moved closer to her and ran a finger along her arm.
She stopped my hand.
There was a pause.
She looked at me again and sweetly smiled, then her eyes went over again towards the stairs. She moved away from me and went back to her list.
Not long after, my wife came down the stairs and asked if we both had breakfast.

She had a meeting with someone and I followed her. She was inside the building for half an hour, before she walked out. I was hiding in the bushes and saw as she looked up at the sky and buttoned up her coat. She disappeared around the corner.

After she left, I got back in the car and went home.

I was the only one at home, when she came back.
It had started pouring outside and she left without an umbrella.
The door unlocked and she stomped in, her hair stringy and dripping.
She saw me from the doorway and asked for a towel.
I motioned to the bathroom near her, and she went inside.
She came back out with her hair wrapped up and her coat off.
She hung her coat on the rack then came over to me. She sat on the couch and started unlacing her shoes.
Her presence was distracting and I couldn’t concentrate at the task at hand, which involved paying the bills.
I watched her, before she looked up and smiled at me.

Her shoes were off and she got up and set them near the others by the door.
As she came back, she started unzipping her sweater.

We’ve never been close enough to touch, so I was slightly nervous as she sat near me.
Both of us were motionless, as she rambled about getting lost, then she asked if anybody was home, and I said no.
She responded by running her hand through my hair jokingly.
I initially tried to resist her, even though she wasn’t consciously seducing me, but she let out this adorable giggle and I gave in.

We were upstairs, where I had her pressed up against the wall, us in various stages of undress and my tongue almost licking the inside of her throat.
Her whole body shook and I could feel her toes curling and uncurling on the back of my legs.
Her eyes were open and a smile came over her face as every inch of myself responded back to her raspy breathing and gasping.
Both of our breathing went back to normal and we looked at each other.
I wanted to kiss her again, but she refused my mouth and separated from me.

In bed that night, with my wife, I held her tight, but my thoughts were of Grace.


We were sitting around the table, eating sunny side up eggs and toast, when my wife asked her what she was doing that day.
Grace shrugged.
My wife then added that we were going shopping and if she wanted to come along.
Almost perfectly timed, Grace’s cell started ringing in her pocket.
She seemed mildly shocked, then got up and walked out of the kitchen.
I could hear mostly mumbles and giggling, and maybe parts of words.

She came back in a couple minutes later, with a barely disguised grin on her face, before she said someone she met the day before had just called her.
My wife gleefully started asking questions about him, before asking if they were going to meet up that day.
Grace nodded, still grinning.
I had my back to my wife and Grace looked at me.
I wasn’t smiling.

My wife and I came back with white and plastic bags. I looked at the clock and it was about 3pm.
Grace was about to leave and I did a double-take on what she was wearing. She was mostly covered up, but I had to look when she bent over and started to put on one shoe.
My wife asked what time she will be back, which made Grace shrug, to which one of us said to not be late because we’ll worry about her.

I don’t know why, but I had to follow her again, and made some excuse about forgetting something.

I saw her from the car.
She walked up to a tall blonde man, and he had a cigarette dangling from his mouth. I couldn’t read their lips but they flirted a while before he hugged her, then they walked off with his arm around her.
I started the car and followed them three blocks until they stopped in front of an apartment, where they talked, then he bent down and kissed her.

I had to park the car, after they disappeared inside the building.
My reaction scared me.
I visibly trembled then started crying.

After twenty minutes, I snapped myself out of it and left, to go buy the thing I said I forgot.

Both my wife and I sat on the couch, watching TV, when she walked back in several hours later.

My wife asked what how her date was, to which Grace stifled a giggle then said it was good.
I forced a smile and an atta girl.
She sat on the armchair and started to undo her boots. She slightly pulled her skirt up.
My wife and her chit-chatted while they were not looking at each other.
I wasn’t trying to be obvious, but while her skirt was exposing skin, my eyes kept going her direction. I was hoping to see more, but she suddenly and quickly took off her boots then flipped down her skirt.

My wife and I were lying in bed that night, and she was in the mood.
I made some excuse.
My wife still kissed me, but didn’t pursue it.


It was about 6am and I lied awake. I silently got out of bed then went downstairs and turned on the TV.
Some evangelist was talking.
I put it on mute and looked around.
It was quiet and the sun was starting to rise.
I got up then down on my knees.

Five minutes later, I opened my eyes and then got back on the couch, temporarily relaxed. I had the remote in my hand and flipped through channels.

I finally fell asleep to the sound of some newscaster explaining that things are bad world-wide.

I woke up with sunlight streaming across my face.
The smell of coffee was coming from the kitchen and my wife was sitting, curled up near the couch, looking at the newspaper.
Grace was near her, looking at some store circular.
I started to stir and cringed at the ray that fell across my eyeball. I sat up and they both looked at me and smiled.
My wife suddenly got up and disappeared into the kitchen.
Grace said hello sleepyhead and I countered back with a mildly sarcastic laugh.
We were looking at each other and she had that seductive smile on her face.
I had a momentary flash of us in the hallway, but quickly shoved that thought out of my head, before I nodded for no reason and slightly twisted my face.

I followed her on foot, not caring if I was obvious, but she was oblivious.
She took public transit then walked three blocks.
He stood outside, having another cigarette. When he saw her, he took a couple more puffs then tossed it on the ground and crushed it with his sneaker.
She walked up to him and they embraced, before he bent down and they involved their saliva.
He was holding a bag, and she took his arm.
They walked the short distance, then inside the building.

Before they stepped into the elevator, she saw me standing in the doorway. She blinked but made no reaction.

I watched what floor they went up to and stood there, numb.
I could have gone up to that floor and possibly gotten lost among the maze of doors, only to find myself leaning my head against his door and listening to every moan and utterance to come from their mouths.

Instead, I went home to my wife and made love to her for hours. My body was in it, but my mind was detached and thinking about all the dirty things that guy was doing to her.

I kissed my wife on the cheek then rolled away from her.
She looked satiated.
I was still numb.

When Grace came back to the house, I sat on the couch, watching the news.
My wife was in another room, doing something.
Grace came in and undid her shoes, then sat down near me.
Before I could monitor what I was saying, I suggested the four of us go out to dinner.
She thought about it, then agreed. Her cell came out of her pocket, and she made a call.

The four of us sat around the table.
His name was Adam. They had casually met through friends back in her hometown, but had ran into each other the first day she was here.

When the ladies went to the bathroom, I ripped into him, asking everything that came to mind.
He graciously answered my questions, but I still wasn’t satisfied that he was good enough for her.

The ladies came back and things went back to normal.

After dinner, he kissed her cheek and they said their good-byes, before he went into his car and left.
The three of us went back to the house.
She was going home in the early morning as we came home to the dark and silence.
My wife went to bed, while Grace and I sat in the kitchen and drank coffee.

We kept each other company, and I could tell she enjoyed every second of it, much like I was.

The hours slowly passed and, at times, our yawns interrupted our words and thought patterns.

It was finally time for her to get on the plane and go home. I drove her to the airport and helped with her luggage, then watched her walk away.
She turned to me, right before the doors closed, and I could see her silhouette waving goodbye, before she walked out of my life, back into the way it was before she arrived.

I drove home and sat in the car. It was better to have her in the same room than so far away.

I went upstairs and crawled into bed, then kissed my wife on the cheek and fell asleep with Grace on my mind.
If I couldn’t have her near me, it would be good enough to hear her voice over the phone.
I missed her already.

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